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Lecture by Josh Tobin. Published May 9, 2023. Download slides.

Chapter Summaries

Why LLMOps?

Chapter 0 Cover Image

  • Topic of lecture core to whole ethos of full stack deep learning
  • Started five years ago in AI hype cycle focusing on deep learning
  • Classes teach about building with neural networks, but not getting into production
  • Philosophy carried throughout the development of courses
  • Focus on building applications with language models and considerations for production systems
  • Space for real production systems with language models is underdeveloped
  • Lecture will cover assorted topics related to building these applications
  • Provide high-level pointers, initial choices, and resources for learning more
  • Aim to tie topics together into a first-pass theory for "LLMops"

Choosing your base LLM

Chapter 1 Cover Image

  • Building an application on top of LMS requires choosing which model to use; the best model depends on trade-offs, such as quality, speed, cost, tunability, and data security.
  • For most use cases, GPT4 is a good starting point.
  • Proprietary models, like GPT4 and Anthropic, are usually higher quality, but open source models offer more customization and better data security.
  • Consider licensing when choosing an open source model: permissive licenses (e.g., Apache 2.0) offer more freedom, whereas restricted licenses limit commercial use.
  • Be cautious with "open source" models released under non-commercial licenses, as they restrict commercial use and may not truly be open source.

Proprietary LLMs

Chapter 2 Cover Image

  • Discussed proprietary models and ranked them using criteria: number of parameters, size of context window, type of training data, subjective quality score, speed of inference, and fine-tunability.
  • Number of parameters and training data are proxies for model quality; context window crucial for model usefulness in downstream applications.
  • Four types of training data: diverse, code, instructions, and human feedback; few models use all four types.
  • Quality best determined using benchmarks and hands-on evaluations.
  • GPT-4 recognized as the highest quality model, followed by GPT-3.5 for a faster and cheaper option.
  • Claude from Anthropic and Cohere's largest model compete for quality and fine-tunability.
  • For a trade-off of quality in favor of speed and cost, consider Anthropic's offering or alternatives from OpenAI and Cohere.

Open-source LLMs

Chapter 3 Cover Image

  • Large language models have both proprietary and open-source options
  • Open-source options include T5, Flan T5, Pythia, Dolly, Stable-LM, Llama, Alpaca, Vicuna, Koala, and Opt
  • T5 and Flan-T5 have permissive licenses while other options may have license restrictions
  • Llama ecosystem is well-supported by the community, but not ideal for production
  • Benchmarks can mislead, assess language model performance on specific tasks
  • Start projects with GPT-4 to prototype, downsize to GPT-3.5 or Claude if cost/latency is a concern
  • Cohere is the best for fine-tuning among commercial providers
  • Open-source may catch up with GPT-3.5 level performance by the end of the year

Iteration and prompt management

Chapter 4 Cover Image

  • I believe prompt engineering is currently missing tools to make it more like engineering and less like ad hoc experimentation.
  • Experiment management was impactful in the deep learning world because experiments took a long time to run and there were many parallel experiments, which prompt engineering typically doesn't have.
  • I suggest three levels of tracking experiments with prompts and chains: 1) Doing nothing and using OpenAI Playground, 2) Tracking prompts in Git, and 3) Using specialized tracking tools for prompts (if necessary).
  • Most teams should use Git for tracking as it's easy and fits into their current workflows.
  • Specialized prompt tracking tools should be decoupled from Git and provide a UI for non-technical stakeholders.
  • Keep an eye out for new tools in this space, as it's rapidly evolving with recent announcements from major providers like Weights & Biases, Comet, and MLflow.

Testing LLMs: Why and why is it hard?

Chapter 5 Cover Image

  • To ensure changes to a model or prompt are effective, measure performance on a wide range of data representing end-user inputs.
  • User retention for AI-powered applications depends on trust and reliable output.
  • Traditional machine learning model testing involves training sets, held-out data, and measuring accuracy, but language models present unique challenges:
  • You don't know the training data used by API providers like OpenAI.
  • Production distribution is always different than training distribution.
  • Metrics are less straightforward and might not capture the diverse behaviors of the model.
  • Language models require a more diverse understanding of behaviors and qualitative output measurement.

Testing LLMs: What works?

Chapter 6 Cover Image

  • Two key questions for testing language models: what data to test them on and what metrics to compute on that data
  • Build evaluation sets incrementally, starting from the beginning while prototyping the model
  • Add interesting examples to the dataset, focusing on hard examples where the model struggles and different examples that aren't common in the dataset
  • Utilize the language model to help generate diverse test cases by creating prompts for the tasks you're trying to solve
  • As the model rolls out to more users, keep adding data to the dataset, considering user dislikes and underrepresented topics for inclusion
  • Consider the concept of test coverage, aiming for an evaluation set that covers the types of tasks users will actually perform in the system
  • Test coverage and distribution shift are analogous, but measure different aspects of data relationships
  • To be effective, test reliability should measure the difference between online and offline performance, ensuring that metrics are relevant to real-world user experiences.

Evaluation metrics for LLMs

Chapter 7 Cover Image

  • Evaluation metrics for language models depend on the availability of a correct answer, reference answer, previous answer, or human feedback.
  • If there's a correct answer, use metrics like accuracy.
  • With a reference answer, employ reference matching metrics like semantic similarity or factual consistency.
  • If there's a previous answer, ask another language model which answer is better.
  • When human feedback is available, check if the answer incorporates the feedback.
  • If none of these options apply, verify output structure or ask the model to grade the answer.
  • Although automatic evaluation is desirable for faster experimentation, manual checks still play an essential role.

Deployment and monitoring

Chapter 8 Cover Image

  • Deploying LLM (Language Model) APIs can be simple, but becomes more complex if there's a lot of logic behind API calls.
  • Techniques to improve LLM output quality include self-critique, sampling multiple outputs, and ensemble techniques.
  • Monitoring LLMs involves looking at user satisfaction and defining performance metrics, like response length or common issues in production.
  • Gather user feedback via low friction methods, such as thumbs up/down or short messages.
  • Common issues with LLMs in production include UI problems, latency, incorrect answers, long-winded responses, and prompt injection attacks.
  • Use user feedback to improve prompts by finding and addressing themes or problems.
  • Fine-tuning LLMs can be done through supervised fine-tuning or human feedback, though the latter is more challenging.

Test-driven development for LLMs

Chapter 9 Cover Image

  • Rapidly evolving field with no established best practices yet
  • Aim to provide main questions and resources for building applications with LLMS
  • Introduce a potential structured process: test-driven or behavior-driven development
  • Main components of process are prompt/chain development, deployment, user feedback, and logging/monitoring
  • Use interaction data from user feedback to improve model, extract test data, and iterate on prompts
  • As complexity increases, consider fine-tuning workflow with additional training data
  • Virtuous cycle of improvement as interaction data from users increases and informs subsequent iterations
  • Process repeats with individual developer, team, and end-users involved in feedback and improvements

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